Bus Pirate firmware auto build: main branch

Here’s a fresh compile from ‘main’: “Linker to show full 16MB flash”


Build time: 115.44 seconds

Git pull log @5d30115:
Updating 9db4915…5d30115
src/boards/memmap_default_rp2040.ld | 5 +++++
src/boards/memmap_default_rp2350.ld | 5 +++++
2 files changed, 10 insertions(+)

1 Like

Here’s a fresh compile from ‘main’: “Integrate RPi SDK fix for RAM usage output”


Build time: 112.49 seconds

Git pull log @5a131e8:
Updating 5d30115…5a131e8
src/boards/memmap_default_rp2040.ld | 7 ++±—
src/boards/memmap_default_rp2350.ld | 7 ++±—
2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

Here’s a fresh compile from ‘main’: “Warning if core assertions occur in early init”


Build time: 112.12 seconds

Git pull log @c5aba87:
Updating 5a131e8…c5aba87
src/commands/global/cls.c | 3 +±
src/commands/global/script.c | 2 ±
src/debug_rtt.h | 47 +++++++++++++++++++++±---------------------
src/mode/binloopback.c | 4 +±-
src/pirate.c | 4 +±-
src/ui/ui_config.c | 4 ++±
src/ui/ui_statusbar.c | 8 ++++++±
src/ui/ui_statusbar.h | 6 +++±-
src/usb_rx.c | 32 +++++++++++++++++++++++++±—
src/usb_tx.c | 26 ++++++++++++±----------
10 files changed, 87 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)

Here’s a fresh compile from ‘main’: “Remove return value from three functions.”


Build time: 111.27 seconds

Git pull log @691f1a5:
Updating c5aba87…691f1a5
readme.md | 12 +++±----
src/binmode/binio.c | 6 +±–
src/binmode/binio_helpers.c | 16 +++++±-----
src/binmode/legacy4third.c | 8 ++±–
src/commands/global/a_auxio.c | 4 ±-
src/commands/global/freq.c | 4 ±-
src/commands/global/pwm.c | 4 ±-
src/commands/global/w_psu.c | 8 ++±–
src/commands/hdplxuart/bridge.c | 4 ±-
src/commands/spi/sniff.c | 16 +++++±-----
src/commands/uart/monitor.c | 12 +++±----
src/debug_uart.c | 4 ±-
src/mode/dio.c | 6 +±–
src/mode/dummy1.c | 16 +++++±-----
src/mode/hiz.c | 2 ±
src/mode/hw1wire.c | 4 ±-
src/mode/hw2wire.c | 12 +++±----
src/mode/hw3wire.c | 16 +++++±-----
src/mode/hwhduart.c | 4 ±-
src/mode/hwi2c.c | 8 ++±–
src/mode/hwled.c | 15 +++±------
src/mode/hwspi.c | 16 +++++±-----
src/mode/hwuart.c | 12 +++±----
src/mode/infrared.c | 20 ++++++±-------
src/nand/spi.c | 8 ++±–
src/syntax.c | 4 ±-
src/system_config.c | 57 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++±-------------
src/system_config.h | 12 ++++±—
src/ui/ui_const.h | 2 ±
29 files changed, 164 insertions(+), 148 deletions(-)

Here’s a fresh compile from ‘main’: “fix missing status bar”


Build time: 110.49 seconds

Git pull log @3cc302d:
Updating 691f1a5…3cc302d
src/pirate.c | 9 +++++++±
src/pirate/intercore_helpers.h | 1 +
src/ui/ui_statusbar.c | 3 +±
3 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

1 Like

Here’s a fresh compile from ‘main’: "Enable CodeQL scanning

At present this is limited to C/CPP.
Because it is unclear if CodeQL can merge multiple jobs for a single language,
everything is performed within a single job.

Also, enable --parallel for all CMake builds."


Build time: 115.59 seconds

Git pull log @0312d15:
Updating 3cc302d…0312d15
.github/workflows/build.yaml | 2 ±
.github/workflows/codeql.yml | 87 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 88 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
create mode 100644 .github/workflows/codeql.yml

Here’s a fresh compile from ‘main’: "Fix code scanning alert 42

Comparison of narrow type with wide type in loop condition



Build time: 112.0 seconds

Git pull log @b017fa8:
Updating 0312d15…b017fa8
.github/workflows/build.yaml | 8 ++++++±
src/binmode/binio.c | 2 ±
src/binmode/binio_helpers.c | 2 ±
src/binmode/legacy4third.c | 2 ±
src/commands/global/cmd_convert.c | 2 ±
src/commands/global/disk.c | 10 ++++±----
src/mjson/mjson.c | 29 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++±-
src/syntax.c | 10 ++++±----
src/toolbars/logic_bar.c | 2 ±
src/ui/ui_display.c | 2 ±
src/ui/ui_format.c | 2 ±
src/ui/ui_lcd.c | 3 +±
src/ui/ui_mode.c | 4 +±-
src/ui/ui_term.c | 2 ±
src/usb_rx.c | 4 +±-
15 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

Here’s a fresh compile from ‘main’: “remove holiday mode”


Build time: 118.13 seconds

Git pull log @949939e:
Updating b017fa8…949939e
src/ui/ui_lcd.c | 2 ±
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

Here’s a fresh compile from ‘main’: “fix for clock frequency calculation in BP6”


Build time: 124.7 seconds

Git pull log @9940da5:
Updating 949939e…9940da5
src/commands/global/pwm.c | 2 ±
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

Here’s a fresh compile from ‘main’: “Add UART based glitching command”


Build time: 112.81 seconds

Git pull log @0df8700:
Updating 9940da5…0df8700
src/CMakeLists.txt | 3 +
src/commands/uart/glitch.c | 600 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
src/commands/uart/glitch.h | 4 +
src/commands/uart/glitch.pio | 50 +++
src/mode/hwuart.c | 6 +
src/pirate.h | 2 +
src/translation/base.c | 13 ±
src/translation/base.h | 1024 +++++++++++++++++++++±-------------------
src/translation/base.ht | 5 +
src/translation/bs-ba.h | 991 +++++++++++++++++++±-------------------
src/translation/en-us.h | 35 ++
src/translation/en-us.json | 969 +++++++++++++++++++±------------------
src/translation/it-it.h | 991 +++++++++++++++++++±-------------------
src/translation/pl-pl.h | 991 +++++++++++++++++++±-------------------
src/translation/zh-cn.h | 991 +++++++++++++++++++±-------------------
15 files changed, 3798 insertions(+), 2877 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 src/commands/uart/glitch.c
create mode 100644 src/commands/uart/glitch.h
create mode 100644 src/commands/uart/glitch.pio


Here’s a fresh compile from ‘main’: “fix spacing”


Build time: 159.25 seconds

Git pull log @f03c3fb:
Updating 0df8700…f03c3fb
src/commands/global/pwm.c | 2 ±
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

Here’s a fresh compile from ‘main’: “compiler on build server hates me :(”


Build time: 162.28 seconds

Git pull log @f07274d:
Updating 2f5f1e7…f07274d
src/binmode/irtoy-irman.c | 2 ±
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

Here’s a fresh compile from ‘main’: "Major steps to improved translation

  • Validation that existing en-us.h strings have not changed
  • Detection of format strings in en-us.h
  • Verification that translations have same format specifiers (crash prevention)
  • Extraction of format specifiers
  • Saved historical version to allow detecting changes"


Build time: 149.54 seconds

Git pull log @5dcf9d8:
Updating f07274d…5dcf9d8
hacks/translate-parse-h.html | 133 ±–
src/translation/base.h | 5 -
src/translation/bs-ba.h | 627 ++++++++±--------
src/translation/bs-ba.json | 5 -
src/translation/en-us.h | 6 -
src/translation/en-us.json | 5 -
src/translation/format_specifier_history.txt | 537 ++++++++++++++++
src/translation/it-it.h | 367 +++++±----
src/translation/it-it.json | 6 ±
src/translation/json2h.py | 490 +++++++++++±-
src/translation/pl-pl.h | 607 ++++++++±--------
src/translation/pl-pl.json | 3 -
src/translation/zh-cn.h | 919 ++++++++++++±-------------
src/translation/zh-cn.json | 57 ±
14 files changed, 2248 insertions(+), 1519 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 src/translation/format_specifier_history.txt

1 Like

Here’s a fresh compile from ‘main’: "Improve translation

Change to a new JSON format

  • Localized field added … technically the only mandatory field, but treated as an outdated translation if not also including EN_US.
  • EN_US field added … showing that en-us string that the translated string was based on
  • Comment field added … for notes when editing
  • DataTypes field added …

json2h.py can now be run from any directory
json2h.py also does much more:

  • Detects strings that have different format specifiers than en-us (and excludes them from generated header). This ensures stability if drift occurs from en-us.
  • Lots more output to indicate progress towards fully-translated languages

Add baseline for en-us translation history in
Moved various files into subdirectories"


Build time: 117.75 seconds

Git pull log @52fe57d:
Updating 5dcf9d8…52fe57d
.gitignore | 1 +
src/translation/base.h | 13 ±
src/translation/bs-ba.h | 9 ±
src/translation/format_specifier_history.txt | 537 -----
src/translation/history/en-us.json | 3052 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
src/translation/it-it.h | 9 ±
src/translation/json2h.py | 628 +++±-
src/translation/{ => old}/bs-ba.json | 0
src/translation/{ => old}/en-us.json | 0
src/translation/{ => old}/it-it.json | 0
src/translation/{ => old}/pl-pl.json | 0
src/translation/{ => old}/zh-cn.json | 0
src/translation/pl-pl.h | 9 ±
src/translation/{ => templates}/base.ht | 13 ±
src/translation/templates/bs-ba.json | 1170 ++++++++++
src/translation/templates/it-it.json | 1948 ++++++++++++++++
src/translation/templates/pl-pl.json | 1234 +++++++++++
src/translation/templates/translation.ht | 13 +
src/translation/templates/zh-cn.json | 362 +++
src/translation/translation.ht | 12 -
src/translation/zh-cn.h | 9 ±
21 files changed, 8227 insertions(+), 792 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 src/translation/format_specifier_history.txt
create mode 100644 src/translation/history/en-us.json
rename src/translation/{ => old}/bs-ba.json (100%)
rename src/translation/{ => old}/en-us.json (100%)
rename src/translation/{ => old}/it-it.json (100%)
rename src/translation/{ => old}/pl-pl.json (100%)
rename src/translation/{ => old}/zh-cn.json (100%)
rename src/translation/{ => templates}/base.ht (64%)
create mode 100644 src/translation/templates/bs-ba.json
create mode 100644 src/translation/templates/it-it.json
create mode 100644 src/translation/templates/pl-pl.json
create mode 100644 src/translation/templates/translation.ht
create mode 100644 src/translation/templates/zh-cn.json
delete mode 100644 src/translation/translation.ht

Here’s a fresh compile from ‘main’: "Paying down code debt

Add some comments
Remove dead function
Don’t run self-test by default"


Build time: 116.21 seconds

Git pull log @620e6eb:
Updating 52fe57d…620e6eb
src/translation/json2h.py | 44 +±-
src/translation/old/bs-ba.json | 194 ----------------
src/translation/old/en-us.json | 505 -----------------------------------------
src/translation/old/it-it.json | 325 --------------------------
src/translation/old/pl-pl.json | 204 -----------------
src/translation/old/zh-cn.json | 62 -----
6 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 1307 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 src/translation/old/bs-ba.json
delete mode 100644 src/translation/old/en-us.json
delete mode 100644 src/translation/old/it-it.json
delete mode 100644 src/translation/old/pl-pl.json
delete mode 100644 src/translation/old/zh-cn.json