You have to manually select a device in Pulseview it doesnt auto pick buspirate and also make sure to enable fala before in text console of BP5 and choose binary port in Pulseview
I compiled your repo no problem. I then installed the libraries.
But I need pulseview. If I tried to installed it via apt, it wants me to install the official sigrok libraries - which overrides the patched libraries I just installed.
If I compile pulseview from the github using the patched libraries, I get errors.
If I install pulseview from apt (synaptic), it overwrites the libraries, and when I start pulseview I get errors:
pulseview: symbol lookup error: pulseview: undefined symbol: _ZN6sigrok7Context20create_analog_packetESt6vectorISt10shared_ptrINS_7ChannelEESaIS4_EEPfjPKNS_8QuantityEPKNS_4UnitES1_IPKNS_12QuantityFlagESaISG_EE
I’m missing a step.
Ow yeah I just installed pulseview from apt and then replaced symlinks to libsigrok and I think one more libsigrokdecode? Something like that with the ones compiled. If you installed them in the same directory as normal system libs then purge everything reinstall pulseview from apt/aptitude and make install compiled libs to /usr/local/lib so they wont overlap with the system. Let me just find the exact commands in bash history
ln -sf /usr/local/lib/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
ln -sf /usr/local/lib/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
ln -sf /usr/local/lib/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
Your directories might differ depending on your architecture of course. If you need help reach me via chat/DM
Still digging into this. Scanning at 100Khz works. 400Khz doesn’t.
I’m seeing two problems.
- When I copy the individual bus commands as described in the demo, I get NACK’s. Here’s what happens with the first one (below).
- When I run the script attached, and start the logic analyzer just before the pause command, nothing shows up.
Here is the first NACK I get,
I2C> [0x80 0xf5] D:23 [0x81 r:2]
TX: 0x80 NACK 0xF5 NACK
Delay: 23ms
TX: 0x81 NACK
I2C> i
Bus Pirate 5 REV10
Firmware main branch @ unknown (2024-11-27T14:01:41Z)
RP2040 with 264KB RAM, 128Mbit FLASH
S/N: 32104F0B33CC62E4
Storage: 0.10GB (FAT16 File System)
Configuration file: Loaded
Active binmode: Follow along logic analyzer
Active mode: I2C
I2C speed: 100 kHz
Clock stretching: OFF
Display format: Auto
Data format: 8 bits, MSB bitorder
Pull-up resistors: ON
Power supply: ON (3.3V/3.29V)
Current limit: OK (4.8mA/0.0mA)
Frequency generators: OFF
1.Vout 2.IO0 3.IO1 4.IO2 5.IO3 6.IO4 7.IO5 8.IO6 9.IO7 10.GND
4.8mA SDA SCL - - - - - - GND
3.3V 3.3V 3.3V 3.2V 3.2V 3.2V 3.2V 3.2V 3.2V GND
And here is the script I am using.
si7021.txt (226 Bytes)
But does FALA work for you now? Remember to arm the capture in Pulseview before executing commands
I used pulseview on Windows today.
I was getting undefined symbols on Linux. But I only installed two shared libraries. I’m going to see if I have everything I need to compile the decode library - perhaps I am missing some prerequisites and this will check if that is the case.
But I’m on holiday duty today. No debugging. If you are in the US, have a great Thanksgiving. If not, have a great day and thanks for asking.
But the problem I was reporting on was using the FALA and the script I attached.
I ran the script up to the pause command, then started the capture, and then continued the script. The FALA showed nothing.
But if I do a scan, it shows pulses. The script - no pulses.
Is FALA mode enabled? It should tell you how many samples were captured after each operation:
INFRARED-(RC5)> >0x3010
TX: 0x3010.16
Logic analyzer: 7753 samples captured
And then Pulseview will just automagically update.
Use the binmode
command to enable the FALA interface, then setup Pulseview and click run. You shouldn’t have to do anything else.