Just wanted to highlight this project stumbled onto over on YouTube. I haven’t looked any deeper than just watching the video in the background while working on a MicroPython project. But there could be some useful information there for cross pollination of projects.
I’m doing a gusmanB port after I debug the pico probe port.
I should have the latest version of gusmanb from the man himself any day now. Anxiously waiting that is.
Cant wait for the BusPirate port!
Clearly you folks are on top of the situation. I didn’t even know it had a name
FYI, the populated boards (which disappear fast - as they are first come-first serve), are about 50€ (25€ + delivery from Spain to the US) - and that doesn’t include the RPi2350. You have to sign up for a waiting list. I haven’t had a chance to play with it yet. Apparently it can sample up to 400Msps in a limited burst mode. Contact logicanalyzerorders@gmail.com if interested.
If anyone can help out, I am looking for the latest Raspberry Pi Pico2 model or datasheet? I’m on the go and the only one I found was not the most current.
It’s for the GusmanB V6.0 logic analyzer.
The beta software changes frequently, but he hasn’t updated the public source. This link is dated Dec 14th. but it only includes the binaries for the firmware and the logic analyzer.
I have all the repos and things from Dr GusmanB, but I don’t see the latest Pico2 files or datasheet.
I need the proper revision of the Pico2 files.
there is a 6.0 branch on the repo
Thanks, didnt catch that!