Here is the webhook we’re using to build all four Bus Pirate firmwares, package them and post them to this Discourse forum. (3.8 KB)
python webhook --test
Optional test argument forces it to run a task instead of starting the webhook listener
- A task is one repo branch
- Tasks have 1 or more builds that compile firmware and produce one or more outputs
- Builds have one or more make commands, and support %%GIT_COMMIT_HASH%% as a tag that is replaced by the current git short hash
- Outputs have an optional zip_file_location property that shoves the _rev8 firmware into a folder called attic
- Outputs are packaged with log files, and then posted to a discourse thread
- API username, key and URL should be stored in a .env file (see sample.env)
- If the git_pull_dir directory doesn’t exist, the script will attempt to clone and switch to the git_branch specified. This is so adding new branches is faster/automated.
It also has the dead simple class that posts new pull requests in the forum.