CANbus / OBDII plank?

Beware those DE-9 to screw terminal adaptor boards. I have an assortment from Ali Express and one of the genders is labeled wrong on the silkscreen. It’s like they use the same tiny PCB for both the make and female connector. You can’t do that because the pin number will be backwards

Actually, you could use the same PCB itself, it’s just that the silkscreen legends would be different.

However, this is a forum for Dangerous Prototypers, so such caution is probably unnecessary if not unwanted. A few sparks when you short your CAN 5V power supply to ground, fry two logic analyzer inputs, blow out a CAN bus transceiver, and set fire to your engineering notebook — all before 9am — is probably just par for the course with this crowd.


“Dangerous” is my favorite part!