Command structs update, commands rework

While verifying each mode for the Follow Along Logic Analyzer I did some cleanup to the global/mode command code:

struct _global_command_struct {
    char command[MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH];
    bool allow_hiz;
    void (*func)(struct command_result* res);
    uint32_t help_text;

struct _mode_command_struct {
    char command[MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH];
    void (*func)(struct command_result* res);
    uint32_t description_text;
    bool supress_fala_capture;
    //bool supress_system_help; //do any actually use this? maybe remove this option

Global and mode commands shared a configuration struct, with mode commands piggybacking on some fields for unintended purposes. This made the update to Designated Initializers for Improved Readability really ugly.

  • Split command struct into global commands (with optional help text) and local commands (with description, and fala enable/disable bit)
  • Move all command structs into command_struct.h. Delete “opt-args.h” and command_attributes.h.
{ .command="ls", .allow_hiz=true, .func=&disk_ls_handler, .help_text=0x00 }, // ls T_CMDLN_LS

Global commands are now formatted with designated initializers.

    {   .command="sle4442", 

Mode commands were similarly formatted.


  • false: any time a command runs, the global fala capture happens. This can result in output even when there is no output (eg reading the help text)
  • true: global fala is disabled. the command is expected to manage the capture itself (or none at all for long running processes like bridges)
                        // mode help handler (optional, set config in modes command struct)
                        if (cmdln_args_find_flag('h')) {
                            // mode commands must supply their own help text
                            result.help_flag = true;
                            // show auto short help
                            /*if (modes[system_config.mode].mode_commands[user_cmd_id].allow_hiz &&
                                (modes[system_config.mode].mode_commands[user_cmd_id].help_text != 0x00)) {
                                return false;
                            } else { // let app know we requested help
                                result.help_flag = true;

There was some code in ui_process.c to fall back to a simple help text if available (similar to the global commands). This is unused (there is no way to actually use it) so it has been removed.

  • All commands are expected to manage their own help (no change from the present)

Most commands have been reworked to manage their own FALA: samples will only be captured if bus activity actually happens, with graceful exit/cleanup on error.

Command text description and help have been updated where missing or incorrect.

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