Dump command to read from a device and save to storage

There is a new chip dump helper command in the latest build. The idea is to repeat the r read command of the current mode and save the contents to a file. Simple, but an effective way to dump a ton of memory devices.

SPI> [ 0x3 0 0 0
CS Enabled
TX: 0x03
TX: 0 0 0

I’m using an SPI flash chip, but the principals are the same for a lot of devices. First I setup the chip read with command 0x03 and at address 0x00 0x00 0x00.

SPI> dump 256 test.bin

Use the dump command to dump 256 bytes to file test.bin. This simply repeats the current mode r read and puts the contents in a file.

SPI> ]

CS Disabled

Finally, manually deselect the chip to end the transaction.

Here is a dump of the chip contents in the terminal.

Here are the contents of the dump file.

This is a little awkward, and eventually a pipe to file will probably make its way into the syntax compiler. It works though, and should make dumping almost any I2C/SPI storage device pretty easy.