So, it turns out I’ve been pushing to the wrong branch all day, so a bunch of updates are about to arrive:
The terminal logic analyzer improved a bit.
- I figured out why it wasn’t playing well with other PIO programs, and now it seems solid
- Changed from -_ to blocks and _. Not sure I like it when all the other pins are pulled up like in the example above
- Still needs an intuitive set of controls
Needs warning about no buffer voltage present- It is in main, but not really ready. You can try it with
logic 400 1000 0 0
for 400kHz, 1000 samples, trigger pin 0, trigger state 0 for example. Update settings by running the command with a new configuration. logic
without any arguments enters a control mode: left/right arrows to navigate, r to rearm/recapture, s to save to binary, x to exit the logic analyzer. This is the bit that still needs work.
From this thread, there’s an update to I2C address search macro (1). There’s a new search macro (5) that lists possible devices using the Adafruit I2C address list.
There is also a new step in the self test we used for final volume production testing today. It checks specifically for the op-amp not connected bug in REV10 batch 1.
By request, I’m getting some smart IC cards (SLE4442, etc) to work on in 2wire mode. The idea is to move this kind of script into the terminal. A cheap card socket seems to be YeXin KF-011C (PCB above).
- Added
(storage) command to help.Be careful, there’s no confirmationAdded double confirmation for format, should probably be a full word or the serial number for security. - Added
command which will be used for the tutorial/script mode I’m cooking up. - Added temporary y/n prompt for current limit. This will be moved to the integrated parsing system in the medium term.
- Added unpowered buffer warning for logic analyzer, this needs to go everywhere a sanity check might help (combined with pull-up notice on open drain bus types).