Infrared IO "explorer"

A box box arrived a few days ago with 5 different planks. The IR plank is one of them. I was super excited to finalize the IR LED transmit current setting resistors and soldered it this morning.

Too many things on the stove means meals get burnt - the transistor footprint is wrong. Sent out an updated board and will try again. If there’s any time I’ll try to dead bug the transistor in the right footprint.

There is a board to test the various manufacturer’s IR sensors. Digging into the datasheets though, I’m not really sure I want to mess with the cheap stuff. This requests a 0.1uF PLUS 10-47uF. That makes me nervous they’re compensating for something.

This one is also >47uF. That’s a lot. Vishay is 0.1uF-4.7uF

Ok, talked to the factory. They say “most customers don’t use the filter capacitor anymore to save cost, 103 (0.1uF) or 104 (0.01uF) is probably fine”. Which tells us little. So, I’ll try both with a 4.7uF cap and try them under a scope.

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