Input over UART

Hey guys,

Not sure if I’m missing something, but I can’t seem to type anything when in UART mode with macro (1)? Typing on my keyboard and nothing happens, pins are all connected correctly. Using the latest firmware.

I should be able to send input to the device via RX right, or am I missing some mode I’m supposed to be in? Can’t really find any UART examples for sending data. I can see the output from the device no worries, full boot sequence etc. just can’t input anything, and it’s not the device, other UART USB dongles were working fine.

Configuration in Tera Term matching the setup guide.

Anything I’m missing?


Hey there b33f!

I put a jumper wire from TX to RX and I can see the data echo back.

Did you enable the power supply (W) to power the buffers? This even got me when I tested just now. I’ll add power supply warnings to all the commands.

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Oh duhh, yep that did the trick, thanks!

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Glad you got it going, thanks for the update!

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