No response from Second UART for Binary Access

I have latest “ci-buspirate-main-5bbaed7” installed and the Primary Interface(VT100) works fine. I get no response on the secondary UART.

Sent 00 up to 20 times with no response on secondary. I tried a few earlier builds with no response either. I’m using Hercules to send '00’s as I do with my old BP and it works on it.

The Primary interface(VT100) is on port 20 and the Secondary is on port 19 which seems backwards. This is on Win10.

Welcome @fjpman,

Bus Pirate 5 supports multiple binary access protocols over the second UART.

Using the latest firmware you should be able to activate the Bus Pirate v3.x binary access compatibility mode. In the terminal use the binmode command and select flashrom/avrdude/v3. compatible mode. There are other modes for logic analyzers and a a debugging mode that gives access to most Bus Pirate features.

There is a score of documentation coming that covers binmode this week.

Thanks for the reply. I’ll watch for the info and dig into it further then.