Off Topic - The UniSolder project by sparkybg

Hi there,
I’d like to ask for information on this project - UniSolder - The universal soldering controller by sparkybg.
This will be my first electronics project so I don’t know all that much.
I was wondering about the two variants of the project that’s found in the gerber directory. One folder is called 5.2 while the other is called 5.2C - The question, whats the difference between the two.

I’ve seen some persons using a 2.42inch display and I’d like to use the same/similar display as well
Display I want to use:
TZT 2.4" 2.42 inch 128x64 OLED LCD Display Module SSD1309 12864 7 Pin SPI/IIC I2C…can be found on AliExpress

I think I’m right by thinking the 5.2 version and NOT the 5.2C version is what I am after.

Also I’ll need to send I believe the gerber files to the PCB fabrication center.

They ask for some PCB requirements…I was thinking ENIG for a finish since that’ll make for a more durable PCB while I’m waiting for parts. However maybe it’s overkill…any thoughts from persons with experience on what is adequate.
I haven’t a clue what they mean by panel requirement.

The reason for wanting to make this station is my current station has an annoying nob on the hand piece itself for temperature adjustment (which I broke off- they sell the knobs for 0.5USD) but I never replaced the knob since before I broke it off I’ve always used it on max temperature and just regulate temperature on the on-off switch like a caveman. So right now looking for a decent station I can build towards in the future. I’ve searched many projects but always something of it steering my away. A transformer based one is what I’m gunning for.
I might have more questions down the line if I forgot anything but for now…

Thank you

Hi, so I looked around, it seems the C version is the one you’re supposed to use. If you look at schematic pdf in both folders under schematics, you’ll see what the difference is. They removed support for it… Anyhow, here are the links:

52C: UniSolder-5.2/schematics/5.2C/UniSolder5.2C_front.pdf at main · sparkybg/UniSolder-5.2 · GitHub

And 52: UniSolder-5.2/schematics/5.2/UniSolder52_front.pdf at main · sparkybg/UniSolder-5.2 · GitHub

It’s the 7-segment displays being dropped, to use OLED color (prolly the source of C!) screens instead