OTP Directory APIs

Continuing the discussion from Digital signatures for RP2350 boards:

Can you help by reviewing / commenting on the proposed APIs for interacting with an OTP directory?

Initial PR (to my own branch … just to enable review comments more easily) is at:

Note that the implementation has a rough framework, but is untested and should be considered unstable. The header file should be stable, however.

My sacrificial RP2350 devices are now further delayed in shipping due to weather. I’m still hoping they’ll arrive sometime next week, so I can answer some lingering questions (e.g., by forcing ECC correction, ECC errors, Bit Recovery By Polarity Inversion, and other edge cases).

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It looks really complete and well thought out.

The SDK demo does a pretty good job of showing how much you can recover with ECC and what happens with different bits flip.

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Hi Ian,

Can you help me find the OTP demo you mentioned?

This is the repo I’m starting at… perhaps it’s the wrong one?
GitHub - raspberrypi/pico-sdk


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The first #if 0 code at this commit. Be careful, it does actually burn bits and change bits. You can see it in my otp dump above.

Found the link to the SDK

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Bump… follow along on whitelabel OTP thread…

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