QnD workaround because no PCBites at hand

Continuing the discussion from Milled test point pins?:

Sometimes you get caught without PCBites though… Lego, tape and 2 random springy probes to the rescue…

(used that to tickle out some data out of a JL chip, educated guess and some measurements made that clear even though that one was filed off)


Pogo pins are great, it’s just a matter of how to hold them in place :slight_smile:


true. PCBites are just a fancy way for that job. but when you don’t have them at hand but a big stash of lego pieces there are enough other ways for holding them. Was lazy since i didnt want to play inverted tetris to reach a few boxes of more lego technic stuff, otherwise that solution could have been more complicated, took me a few tries with this ghetto-rigged one to get the connection reliable

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i bought a few of these and then just made my own - https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256802662340720.html

Components IC Chip Module Cpu Circuit Board PCB Electronic Production Welding Fixed Test Probe Pressure Needle Burning