I have a 16x2 LCD screen (HD44780 type) connected to an LPC832 driver chip, and a Sony Spresense driving the signal to the LPC832 over SPI. All that works Ok. I had the BP connected “in vivo” - or active in the circuit with the Spresense, and the LPC832 - and the SPI signals sent to the LPC832 by either the BP or the Spresense were not getting processed. When I looked at SPI signals on the 'scope, where I expected voltages to be about 3.3v, they were half or less. When I disconnected the BP probes from the SPI pins, everything worked, again.
I’m not a bona-fide EE, but I remember reading that low-impedance probes can “vampire” part of a signal. I think. So, while this isn’t a direct problem with BP - the BP works fine, if I disconnect the Sony SPI pins, too - I’m curious why it works this way. If SPI’s a bus topology, shouldn’t I be able to connect multiple devices simultaneously? Where is the gap in my understanding?