Storage Not Detected on BP5

Hello there,

I’ve recently started using the BP5 in order to perform some SPI read/write operations.

After several hours of use, my BP5 crashed and I know encounter many issues and can’t make it work properly. Here is what happened after the crash:

  • Both TTY and MTP aren’t working at all on Windows/MacOS computers. The 2 TTY devices appears when I connect the BP but they crash as soon as I try to connect.
  • On Ubuntu, I managed to connect to the TTY and I now have access to the device. MTP is also partially working.

Thus, I stayed on Ubuntu to debug the BP. However, It seems that the Storage isn’t properly working, I suspect that it broke while I was using it to write a chip over SPI.

Here are a few screenshots of the issues:

Image 1
Image 2

As you can see, the results of several commands aren’t stable.

  • Upon connecting/disconnecting, the MTP device doesn’t show the same files (sometimes I can access my files, sometimes its just a README.txt).
  • The ls command sometimes shows the internal storage sometimes nothing, rm or mkdir don’t work.
  • I can’t format using the format command

There is also this Configuration file: Not detected when I type i.

All this drived me to think that the storage may be faulty. However, It’s weird that I sometimes can access the files, etc.

I tried many different things to fix the pb, none worked (changed firmware 500 times, changed computer, OS, USB cable…). I’m abit sad because I only used the BP for 3-4 hours :no_mouth:

I searched many topics on this forum but It seems that nobody encountered the same problem…
Does anybody have a suggestion?

Thank you!

EDIT: sometimes the self test shows another error - VREG==VOUT: 4561 > 4357 ERROR!! and the storage appears as OK… It happens after not using the BP for several minutes but when it heats up this error disappears

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This may be related to the problems I have encountered. I’ve seen corrupted disks. But I’ve never seen “format” on the BP fail.

It’s very weird to have the format fail indeed. I feel like the disk is physically damaged but I don’t really know how to check it.

I had the idea to open the BP & use another SPI reader to read 1Gbit SPI NAND but I’m not even sure that I could identify if its broken doing so.

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Hi @maximedelis,

What a strange issue, thanks for reporting it. I think the easiest thing is to open a support ticket (assume you purchased from Dirty PCBs) and I’ll send you a new one.

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Hello @ian ,

I opened a support thanks for your answer!

Still, I’d like to try and repair the broken BP. I wonder if there was a way to flash the NAND (or format it) using another SPI programmer? Are there any specific instructions regarding the NAND?

Thank you!

you have the ‘format’ command that will reformat the nand flash, this method will erase any existing files.

Hi. As mentioned, the format command isn’t working. I’m trying to fix (or replace) the NAND.

I’m having the same issues, and like OP, it started when I was working with a flash chip on SPI. Here’s an image of a failed format:


I’m also have the strange access issues. If i unplug the USB and the test leads, then I can format the flash. It’ll create the default config files, but as soon as I try actually writing to it from flash read -f flash.bin or something like that it gets corrupted and format will fail.

I’m using latest firmware on REV10 firmware with Ubuntu.

Actually, I’m finding that anytime I do get it to format, it will throw errors and be corrupt the next time anything is written. When corrupt, a directory listing shows 512 entries of garbage.

This shows powering up, formatting, creating a directory (just to force a write of something). At this point, it’s corrupt - a format from here will fail.

Yes, I am running Ubuntu 2204.4 on a System76, not WSL (I don’t even own a Windows box :nerd_face: ).

I’ve been using the BP5 since I got it in late March with no problems until now. Great product, and a nice upgrade from the previous model.

Issues started when I was trying the flash read -f command for the first time. After reading the first block, the process stopped with an access denied error, presumably when trying to write to internal flash.

I did an ls and the listing showed 512 corrupt directory names. I tried to format and got the filesystem error seen above. As per previous comment, I could cycle power and successfully format, but storage is corrupt on next write.

One thing I want to check: I’ve recently added some accessories to the dev system (the System 76). I don’t expect that to be part of the issue, but it’s the only thing that’s changed. I’ll repeat it, and dig through the syslog and watch dmesg for clues. It may be a few days before I can get to it, but I’ll report back.

Thanks much for the quick reply,

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I’ve still got a new bus pirate here. In a few hours I will try to replicate this on a clean install.

Also, thanks for clarification on my previous message. I cant undelete, but it said:
" I have a new bus pirate I will try to replicate this on now, although it seems that it is not a frequent occurrence.

Can you provide the version of ubuntu and the steps to reproduce?"

Did not reproduce. Will update if the situation changes.


For folks following this thread, if you’ve hit this issue in any somewhat reliable way, please try out the firmware from:

Please let @phdussud and myself know your results. For example, does the issue appear resolved? Is the issue still as common as it was? Does it now appear intermittently? etc.


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I’m starting work on the architectural update.

As a result, I found a number of places where the media change notification simply wasn’t occurring, such as when the command was a READ10 or WRITE10, or even a READ_CAPACITY.

The changes I am making cut deeply into the host-side. I will be pushing changes periodically to my branch. For easy access to build artifacts, I have created a draft PR:

NOTE: Commits are NOT all going to run successfully.

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