Translation tools and thoughts

I’d like to get the translations under control before there are too many of them. it is a real pain to update translations while developing:

  1. Enter a tag for the translation in the base.h file
  2. Add the tag and the text to en-us.h (base translation)
  3. Repeat for every other translation

It means that things don’t get added as consistently as they should.

I whipped up a little python script that’s just an idea at this point:

Usage: python <base-translation.h> <other-translation.h>
>python en-us.h zh-cn.h

This script processes our current .h translation files into JSON. It reads the master translation (en-us.h), populates keys with all available text values from other translation (zh-cn.h), and saves to a simple JSON file (zh-cn.json). Some of our translations (chinese) are old and have missing values, this fills them with default English text and saves everything as JSON for the next step.


This script:

  • Reads the base translation (en-us.h)
  • Creates a new base.h with all the keys from en-us.h ( is the template file)
  • Processes all the other .json files in the folder into .h files, filling in with default values from en-us.h where things are missing. ( is the template file).

Proposed workflow:

  1. Developers add a single new tag and text to en-us.h
  2. runs at compile time (or with a folder change watch), reading en-us.h and creating a matching base.h file. Then translation .json is parsed to .h files with defaults filled for missing values.

I think this would be a lot more usable than the current situation.

The other part of this will be a web browser app that (hopefully) reads translation .json files from our github repo for easy online translation additions and updates.

I pushed the scripts to a new branch, but it’s really small so I attached it here too. If you’re able to try out a python script please share your thoughts. (39.6 KB)

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One last thing for the night. Here’s a modern javascript webpage (probably needs to be run from a server like laragon) that fetches the .json from github and shows it in rows for editing.

Click download JSON to get a .json file straight from the browser. (sample data only at the moment).


  • Create new translation option (what to name download?)
  • Reload JSON option (resume work? save in browser indexDB?)
  • show base values alongside translation
  • enter URL of file to work on (load) (1.6 KB)


Translations can now be created and edited in your browser.

  • Open the translation web page
  • To edit an existing translation choose it from the Load Translation File drop down menu
  • To create a new translation, choose en-us.json (the base translation)
  • Translate the text fields
  • Click Download JSON to download your translation text as a .json file
  • Post the .json file in the forum, or submit a pull request on GitHub

Of course, once you have a JSON file you can edit it in a text editor.

The web app pulls straight from the firmware repo. Changes to the repo show up immediately.

I added a bit of documentation.

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Does anyone know how to handle pointers to complex variables?

void translation_set(uint32_t language)
        case 2:
            t = (char **) &bs_ba;
        case 1:
            t = (char **) &pl_pl;
        /*case 2:
            t = (char **) &zn_ch;
        case 0:
            t = (char **) &en_us;

Right now there is an ugly switch statement that assigns a pointer to the right array of translations.

static char const * const en_us={.....}

This is the type of the array of translations.

(some type) translations{
t = (char **) &translations[language];

I want to put the translation pointers into a struct and then use the index to assign the t pointer.

Pointers are first thing in the morning work though, so I’ll leave it here in case anyone knows.

Bug report

Forgot: language setting is saved, but it is not reloaded on restart. I’ll fix that.

@ian for the wtfos configurator we used to have the community help create translations.
example: Translating WTFOS Configurator to Dutch language - Crowdin

Wow, I’m really glad to see .json is an acceptable format for localization. This is such great stuff.

Is that a site/app that I can use to host our own json files for localization? Are there any developer tools to integrate it?

It used to be such a pain to add new text to translation - make a key, then update every translation with that key plus default value. What happens in practice is that everything but english is commented out and falls behind.

I did some updates with our new python script. Only add an entry in english.h, the tags file and the other translations are automatically generated in a fraction of a second. And, it generates .h files so there’s no need to setup an extensive toolchain just to get our source compiling.

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@ian I made a quick example project for the en-us.json file here:

Ps. there is a 14 day trial to this site before you have to pay

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As example I translated a couple of texts and downloaded the ‘Dutch’ json:

Easy peasy lemon squeezy :slight_smile:


There is an issue with the prior design of the JSON localization.

Steps to repro:

  1. Find a string in one of the translations that isn’t actually translated yet (identical to EN-US string)
  2. Edit the EN-US string for that existing string ID

Expected results:

The translations which have not actually translated the string get the updated EN-US string displayed.

Actual results:

Once an EN-US string is copied to the translation JSON, it is never updated, even if the EN-US string is updated.


Any non-translated string should be removed from the translation’s JSON.

Any editing webpage should load the EN-US as well as the translation JSON. If the string exists only in EN-US, it’s not been translated. The buspirate firmware was already updated to automatically load the EN-US string in such a case.

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This is a good point. So one update to the python script to skip instead of fill, and an update to the little web app to use en-us as the base over the translation file.

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Yes … and two more manual steps are needed:

  1. Automatic removal of matching English strings from translation files
  2. [optional] Manual review of remaining strings in translation files, to remove English strings that were not automatically removed.
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Not sure how to best tackle this, but there’s a third issue that will eventually arise related to format arguments… See GitHub issue 185 for details on issue and recommended way to improve.

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