What does the button do?

I wonder if you can add a configuration option where we can specify what the button does. I like the idea of having a quick “Oops! I connected the power the wrong way - RESET” option. But I can also see it used in a script where you press the button to continue (or branch).

Could this be added to the TODO section?

Currently if I want a quick reset I unplug the cable. But then I have to reconnect etc.
I’m not sure if the architecture will handle interrupts in the middle of an operation (logic, flash, scope, etc,)

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Good topic! I would like to give the button assignable functions. For example, repeat previous command - for when you’re testing and fumbling with a keyboard is making everything more difficult. Eventually it will also be a startup settings override when we have multiple applications in the same firmware.

Definitely a clean up and emergency reset would be a great function.

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Update on this one:

Currently it runs button.scr, but I’m going to add a configurable button command now.


Ian just adding to this a button idea which I posted on IR remote.

Use the 10 LEDs on top of board to display a number from 1 to 10. When button held down for a few seconds (2?) switch all LEDs off (or to a dim light ) and then start counting up each second. When button released execute script button1.scr … button10.scr


I like this idea!
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