Bus Pirate firmware auto build: main branch

Here’s a fresh compile from ‘main’: “add busy wait to SPI write for good measure.”


Build time: 107.93 seconds

Git pull log @71cacbd:
Updating 1217025…71cacbd
pirate/hwspi.c | 2 ++
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

1 Like

Here’s a fresh compile from ‘main’: "quiet a long-standing compiler warning

No, I’m not sure the compiler warning is correct. However, this extra string in ROM is an inexpensive
(and correct) way to avoid this warning."


Build time: 107.95 seconds

Git pull log @0b52ef7:
Updating 71cacbd…0b52ef7
commands/spi/sniff.c | 1 +
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

Here’s a fresh compile from ‘main’: “fix spi clock polarity not honored”


Build time: 107.35 seconds

Git pull log @adad5bd:
Updating 0b52ef7…adad5bd
mode/hwspi.c | 4 +±-
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

Here’s a fresh compile from ‘main’: “Show extended mode settings in info command”


Build time: 105.33 seconds

Git pull log @a9e6ab9:
Updating adad5bd…a9e6ab9
mode/hwspi.c | 30 +++++++++++++++++±-----------
1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

Here’s a fresh compile from ‘main’: “NO CODE CHANGE - automated clang-format update”


Build time: 108.17 seconds

Git pull log @c162b07:
Updating a9e6ab9…c162b07
.clang-format | 7 ±
.clang-format_files | 273 +
binmode/binio.c | 549 ±
binmode/binio.h | 88 ±
binmode/binio_helpers.c | 38 ±
binmode/binio_helpers.h | 4 ±
binmode/binmodes.c | 14 ±
binmode/binmodes.h | 26 ±
binmode/dirtyproto.c | 281 ±
binmode/fala.c | 57 ±
binmode/falaio.c | 9 ±
binmode/falaio.h | 2 -
binmode/legacy4third.c | 545 ±
binmode/legacy4third.h | 1 -
binmode/logicanalyzer.c | 78 ±
binmode/logicanalyzer.h | 5 ±
binmode/sump.c | 14 ±
binmode/sump.h | 123 ±
bytecode.h | 74 ±
command_attributes.h | 17 ±
commands.c | 104 ±
commands/1wire/demos.c | 71 ±
commands/1wire/demos.h | 2 ±
commands/1wire/scan.c | 253 ±
commands/1wire/scan.h | 2 ±
commands/2wire/sle4442.c | 468 ±
commands/2wire/sle4442.h | 2 ±
commands/global/a_auxio.c | 106 ±
commands/global/a_auxio.h | 7 ±
commands/global/bug.c | 35 ±
commands/global/button_scr.c | 148 ±
commands/global/button_scr.h | 2 ±
commands/global/cls.c | 21 ±
commands/global/cls.h | 2 ±
commands/global/cmd_binmode.c | 61 ±
commands/global/cmd_binmode.h | 2 ±
commands/global/cmd_convert.c | 41 ±
commands/global/cmd_convert.h | 4 ±
commands/global/cmd_mcu.c | 32 ±
commands/global/cmd_mcu.h | 4 ±
commands/global/cmd_selftest.c | 535 ±
commands/global/cmd_selftest.h | 2 ±
commands/global/disk.c | 383 ±
commands/global/disk.h | 16 ±
commands/global/dummy.c | 271 ±
commands/global/dummy.h | 2 ±
commands/global/freq.c | 484 ±
commands/global/freq.h | 4 ±
commands/global/h_help.c | 274 ±
commands/global/h_help.h | 2 ±
commands/global/i_info.c | 323 ±
commands/global/i_info.h | 2 ±
commands/global/image.c | 157 ±
commands/global/l_bitorder.c | 30 ±
commands/global/l_bitorder.h | 4 ±
commands/global/logic.c | 30 ±
commands/global/logic.h | 2 ±
commands/global/macro.c | 122 ±
commands/global/macro.h | 2 ±
commands/global/p_pullups.c | 74 ±
commands/global/p_pullups.h | 4 ±
commands/global/pause.c | 83 ±
commands/global/pause.h | 2 ±
commands/global/pwm.c | 528 ±
commands/global/pwm.h | 8 ±
commands/global/script.c | 111 ±
commands/global/script.h | 4 ±
commands/global/smps.c | 142 ±
commands/global/smps.h | 2 ±
commands/global/tutorial.c | 36 ±
commands/global/tutorial.h | 2 ±
commands/global/v_adc.c | 141 ±
commands/global/v_adc.h | 7 ±
commands/global/w_psu.c | 270 ±
commands/global/w_psu.h | 4 ±
commands/hdplxuart/bridge.c | 71 ±
commands/hdplxuart/bridge.h | 2 ±
commands/i2c/demos.c | 186 ±
commands/i2c/demos.h | 6 ±
commands/i2c/scan.c | 160 ±
commands/i2c/scan.h | 2 ±
commands/spi/flash.c | 213 ±
commands/spi/flash.h | 4 ±
commands/spi/sniff.c | 99 ±
commands/spi/sniff.h | 2 ±
commands/spi/spiflash.c | 868 ±
commands/spi/spiflash.h | 42 ±
commands/uart/bridge.c | 49 ±
commands/uart/bridge.h | 2 ±
commands/uart/monitor.c | 273 ±
commands/uart/monitor.h | 2 ±
commands/uart/nmea.c | 55 ±
commands/uart/nmea.h | 2 ±
commands/uart/simcard.c | 32 ±
commands/uart/simcard.h | 2 ±
debug.c | 59 ±
debug.h | 9 ±
display/background.h | 5 ±
display/background_image_v4-orig.h | 20900 +++++++++++++±--------------------
display/background_image_v4.h | 8411 ++++++++++++±
display/default.c | 63 ±
display/default.h | 2 -
display/robot16.h | 8405 ++++++++++++±
display/robot5x16.h | 8405 ++++++++++++±
display/robot5xx16.h | 8405 ++++++++++++±
display/robot6x16.h | 8405 ++++++++++++±
display/scope.c | 3819 +++±–
display/scope.h | 4 ±
displays.c | 53 ±
displays.h | 35 ±
font/font.h | 33 ±
font/hunter-12pt-16h13w.h | 4296 +++±–
font/hunter-14pt-19h15w.h | 6291 +++++++±–
font/hunter-20pt-21h21w.h | 906 ±
font/hunter-23pt-24h24w.h | 1102 ±
font/hunter.h | 194 ±
mode/HD44780.c | 327 ±
mode/HD44780.h | 2 -
mode/LCDSPI.c | 125 ±
mode/LCDSPI.h | 9 ±
mode/ST7735.c | 271 ±
mode/ST7735.h | 61 ±
mode/SW2W.c | 340 ±
mode/SW2W.h | 25 ±
mode/SW3W.c | 652 ±
mode/SW3W.h | 11 ±
mode/SWI2C.c | 142 ±
mode/SWI2C.h | 12 ±
mode/binloopback.c | 103 ±
mode/binloopback.h | 16 ±
mode/dio.c | 120 ±
mode/dio.h | 12 ±
mode/dummy1.c | 321 ±
mode/dummy1.h | 10 ±
mode/hiz.c | 75 ±
mode/hiz.h | 7 ±
mode/hw1wire.c | 106 ±
mode/hw1wire.h | 6 ±
mode/hw2wire.c | 322 ±
mode/hw2wire.h | 40 ±
mode/hwhduart.c | 483 ±
mode/hwhduart.h | 26 ±
mode/hwi2c.c | 373 ±
mode/hwi2c.h | 25 ±
mode/hwled.c | 413 ±
mode/hwled.h | 18 ±
mode/hwspi.c | 582 ±
mode/hwspi.h | 36 ±
mode/hwuart.c | 635 ±
mode/hwuart.h | 30 ±
mode/infrared.h | 18 ±
mode/sw1wire.c | 1177 ±
modes.h | 14 ±
msc_disk.c | 399 ±
msc_disk.h | 6 ±
nand/nand.c | 10 ±
nand/nand_ftl_diskio.c | 78 ±
nand/nand_ftl_diskio.h | 10 ±
nand/spi.c | 91 ±
nand/spi.h | 11 ±
nand/spi_nand.c | 389 ±
nand/spi_nand.h | 19 ±
nand/sys_time.c | 30 ±
nand/sys_time.h | 2 ±
opt_args.h | 15 ±
pio_config.h | 2 ±
pirate.c | 566 ±
pirate.h | 69 ±
pirate/amux.c | 138 ±
pirate/bio.c | 89 ±
pirate/button.c | 54 ±
pirate/button.h | 6 ±
pirate/hw1wire_pio.c | 260 ±
pirate/hw1wire_pio.h | 33 ±
pirate/hw2wire_pio.c | 170 ±
pirate/hw2wire_pio.h | 2 ±
pirate/hwi2c_pio.c | 370 ±
pirate/hwi2c_pio.h | 30 ±
pirate/hwspi.c | 119 ±
pirate/hwspi.h | 4 ±
pirate/hwuart_pio.c | 104 ±
pirate/hwuart_pio.h | 2 ±
pirate/intercore_helpers.c | 12 ±
pirate/intercore_helpers.h | 20 ±
pirate/lcd.c | 69 ±
pirate/lsb.c | 26 ±
pirate/lsb.h | 2 ±
pirate/mcu.c | 47 ±
pirate/mem.c | 14 ±
pirate/mem.h | 14 ±
pirate/onewire_library.c | 46 ±
pirate/onewire_library.h | 12 ±
pirate/psu.c | 248 ±
pirate/psu.h | 4 ±
pirate/pullup.c | 50 ±
pirate/rgb.c | 431 ±
pirate/rgb.h | 5 ±
pirate/shift.c | 41 ±
pirate/shift.h | 5 ±
pirate/storage.c | 284 ±
pirate/storage.h | 20 ±
queue.c | 96 ±
queue.h | 27 ±
syntax.c | 831 ±
system_config.c | 255 ±
system_config.h | 163 ±
system_monitor.c | 199 ±
system_monitor.h | 8 ±
toolbars/logic_bar.c | 60 ±
translation/base.c | 26 ±
translation/base.h | 10 ±
tusb_config.h | 52 ±
ui/ui_button.c | 50 ±
ui/ui_cmdln.c | 584 ±
ui/ui_cmdln.h | 32 ±
ui/ui_command.h | 18 ±
ui/ui_config.c | 180 ±
ui/ui_config.h | 2 ±
ui/ui_const.c | 1 -
ui/ui_const.h | 73 ±
ui/ui_display.c | 214 ±
ui/ui_display.h | 6 ±
ui/ui_flags.h | 17 ±
ui/ui_format.c | 436 ±
ui/ui_format.h | 4 ±
ui/ui_help.c | 89 ±
ui/ui_help.h | 23 ±
ui/ui_info.c | 137 ±
ui/ui_init.c | 5 ±
ui/ui_lcd.h | 6 ±
ui/ui_mode.c | 18 ±
ui/ui_mode.h | 6 ±
ui/ui_parse.c | 498 ±
ui/ui_parse.h | 29 ±
ui/ui_process.c | 33 ±
ui/ui_prompt.c | 566 ±
ui/ui_prompt.h | 79 ±
ui/ui_statusbar.c | 385 ±
ui/ui_term.c | 28 ±
ui/ui_term.h | 19 ±
usb_descriptors.c | 385 ±
usb_rx.c | 76 ±
usb_rx.h | 22 ±
usb_tx.c | 187 ±
usb_tx.h | 6 ±
wavegen.c | 111 ±
wavegen.h | 2 ±
247 files changed, 73679 insertions(+), 33257 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 .clang-format_files

Here’s a fresh compile from ‘main’: “remove duplicate (unused) file”


Build time: 104.44 seconds

Git pull log @4f3a6b9:
Updating 6690b00…4f3a6b9
pico_sdk_import.cmake | 84 --------------------------
src/pirate.c | 33 +++++++±-
src/usb_tx.c | 162 ++++±--------------------------------------------
src/usb_tx.h | 2 ±
4 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 238 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 pico_sdk_import.cmake

Here’s a fresh compile from ‘main’: “Add summary to bug e9


Build time: 105.41 seconds

Git pull log @844c619:
Updating 4f3a6b9…844c619
src/commands/global/bug.c | 108 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++±----------------
1 file changed, 68 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)

Here’s a fresh compile from ‘main’: “adding non-root user, trying to addres vscode devcontainers plugin defect”


Build time: 101.25 seconds

Git pull log @ff936e9:
Updating 844c619…ff936e9
.devcontainer/devcontainer.json | 7 +++++±
.gitignore | 4 ++±
docker-compose.yml | 24 +++++++++++++++++++±—
docker/Dockerfile | 22 ++++++++++++++++++++±
docker/debug.env | 3 +++
readme.md | 19 ++++++++++++++±—
6 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 docker/debug.env

Bah, the src folder change caused issues with the build server.

Here’s a fresh compile from ‘main’: “build server config update, test push with I2C updates”


Build time: 107.95 seconds

Git pull log @305f709:
Updating 8141082…305f709
hacks/build_server_condensed.md | 4 ++±
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

Here’s a fresh compile from ‘main’: “build server config update, test push with I2C updates”


Build time: 104.25 seconds

Git pull log @305f709:
Already up to date.

Here’s a fresh compile from ‘main’: “extended mode config settings shown in info screen, all modes”


Build time: 104.0 seconds

Git pull log @dc667ed:
Updating 305f709…dc667ed
src/mode/dio.c | 1 -
src/mode/hw2wire.c | 5 ±
src/mode/hwhduart.c | 137 ++++++++++++++++±-------------------
src/mode/hwi2c.c | 15 +±–
src/mode/hwled.c | 63 +++++++±--------
src/mode/hwspi.c | 57 ++++++±--------
src/mode/hwuart.c | 191 +++++++++++++++++++++++±---------------------------
src/mode/infrared.c | 1 -
8 files changed, 212 insertions(+), 258 deletions(-)

Here’s a fresh compile from ‘main’: “Explicit start/restart tracking in I2C”


Build time: 103.86 seconds

Git pull log @04a55c7:
Updating dc667ed…04a55c7
src/mode/hwi2c.c | 13 ++++++++++±-
src/translation/base.h | 1 +
src/translation/bs-ba.h | 1 +
src/translation/en-us.h | 1 +
src/translation/en-us.json | 1 +
src/translation/it-it.h | 1 +
src/translation/pl-pl.h | 1 +
src/translation/zh-cn.h | 1 +
8 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

Here’s a fresh compile from ‘main’: “Update mode config menus to use designated initializers.”


Build time: 104.99 seconds

Git pull log @fab01f6:
Updating 04a55c7…fab01f6
src/mode/hw2wire.c | 42 ++++++++±------
src/mode/hwhduart.c | 92 ++++++++++++++++±----------------
src/mode/hwi2c.c | 63 ++++++++++±-----------
src/mode/hwled.c | 42 ++++++++±------
src/mode/hwspi.c | 82 +++++++++++++++±-------------
src/mode/hwuart.c | 140 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++±----------------------
6 files changed, 246 insertions(+), 215 deletions(-)

Here’s a fresh compile from ‘main’: “compact mode config structs, add // clang-format off”


Build time: 103.83 seconds

Git pull log @ce5c5e2:
Updating fab01f6…ce5c5e2
src/mode/hw2wire.c | 56 +++++±---------
src/mode/hwhduart.c | 26 +±----
src/mode/hwi2c.c | 20 +±—
src/mode/hwspi.c | 126 ++++++++++++++±------------------
src/mode/hwuart.c | 190 ++++++++++++++++++++±------------------------------
5 files changed, 161 insertions(+), 257 deletions(-)

Here’s a fresh compile from ‘main’: “compact mode config struct, add // clang-format off”


Build time: 106.57 seconds

Git pull log @fdd4e34:
Updating ce5c5e2…fdd4e34
src/mode/hw2wire.c | 2 ±
src/mode/hwhduart.c | 13 ++++++++±—
src/mode/hwi2c.c | 9 +++++±–
src/mode/hwled.c | 19 +++++±------------
src/mode/hwspi.c | 30 ++++±------------------------
src/mode/hwuart.c | 18 +++++++±---------
src/translation/base.h | 3 +++
src/translation/bs-ba.h | 3 +++
src/translation/en-us.h | 3 +++
src/translation/en-us.json | 3 +++
src/translation/it-it.h | 3 +++
src/translation/pl-pl.h | 3 +++
src/translation/zh-cn.h | 3 +++
src/ui/ui_prompt.c | 8 ++++++++
src/ui/ui_prompt.h | 3 +++
15 files changed, 67 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-)

Here’s a fresh compile from ‘main’: “fix I2C clock stretching menu”


Build time: 103.99 seconds

Git pull log @8e51eb6:
Updating fdd4e34…8e51eb6
src/mode/hwi2c.c | 4 +±-
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

Here’s a fresh compile from ‘main’: “Fix Bus Pirate version in SUMP logic analyzer metadata”


Build time: 105.27 seconds

Git pull log @1a0f97c:
Updating 8e51eb6…1a0f97c
src/binmode/sump.c | 10 ++++++++±
1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

Here’s a fresh compile from ‘main’: “Powershell script shows which serial ports are for which function on Windows (#133)”


Build time: 105.88 seconds

Git pull log @a593770:
Updating 1a0f97c…a593770
hacks/show_port_info.ps1 | 218 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 218 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 hacks/show_port_info.ps1

Here’s a fresh compile from ‘main’: “Include documentation for building BP6 binaries also.”


Build time: 102.63 seconds

Git pull log @ed89fc5:
Updating a593770…ed89fc5
.gitignore | 1 +
CMakeLists.txt | 1 -
hacks/build_server.md | 12 +++++++++±-
readme.md | 17 +++++++++++++±–
4 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)