I used this tool from Samsung to compare yours and mine:
You need to double-click the part number in the search window and then enable the graphs in the top section before it works, their UI always confuses me.
Here are the relevant comparisons at 3.3V and 5V:
The blue lines are yours, the red ones mine.
So as you can see the red capacitance is higher at both voltages, the impedance lower. Yours can just go up to 10V (with nearly no capacitance left though), while mine is just rated for 6.3V max.
So I would suggest to replace all your 4.7µF parts with the 10µF CL05A106MQ5NUN. Cost should be about the same.
We still need a 10µF in 0805 of course for the 9V aux voltage and the DAC.