Pull Requests - bus pirate 5 firmware

A place to talk about the pull requests on GitHub


Regarding the LGPL3 issue, the library author (mina86) claims that the licensing is only a technicality and that she does not care in practice.
Dual licensing in deed takes some hassle, but this is something that proper and clear documentation can resolve.
In addition, I think it is only a matter of time until another contribution will arrive, using a library with different license.

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Thank you for starting this thread :slight_smile:

Thank you for contacting the author, I’m glad in practice that it isn’t an issue.

I have two bug fixes that are blocking everything else, but I am thinking about how to address this.

If you can look again in the Github thread, pfeerick gave great explanation, and managed to convince me that we do not need to license our code under LGPL3 and still have the opportunity to release the firmware with the LGPL3 library

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Regrading GitHub Actions pull request, I created a pull request that allows to use GitHub Actions in order to compile the firmware on all 3 major platforms (Windows, Mac and Ubuntu). Also this will come handy in pull requests, since this will allow to make sure that the firmware build does not get broken on the main branch.

In addition, since I only added a GitHub Actions yaml file, this pull request does not interfere with other branches/pull requests.


Thank you :slight_smile: Just got done reviewing and replying there.

I also accepted the GitHub Actions yml, thank you so much. I really like the github compile environment but have not had a chance to test it. That’s a really great contribution.

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Regarding the ANSI 256 pull request, I have documented all the licenses and copyrights in this repo, alongside the creation of contribution guideline.
Also, change the build defaults from OPT-IN to OPT-OUT, regarding the LGPL3 code.


Thank you. Your documentation is exceptional, the list of copyright holders alone must have taken some digging around.

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Thank you!
Actually VSCode did the heavy lifting with its global search function.

Are you satisfied with the proposed contribution rules?

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Yes, I think it’s great and I’ll accept the pull. Are you able to easily fix the merge errors in the translation files? I tried to work it out, but didn’t have time to do it properly.

Don’t worry, I will do the fixes, plus I need to apply @pfeerick suggestions.
I will let you know when I am ready for merge

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I’d like to request a 9x4 heated pool please… (i.e. thread title might need changing) :rofl:

Nice work on Add GitHub Actions build workflow by lersi · Pull Request #38 · DangerousPrototypes/BusPirate5-firmware · GitHub btw… beat me to it :wink: Perhaps now add a another action that deploys to a release tag if main is updated so that a github login isn’t needed to access the compiled files. Or instead, use cron schedule, and do a “nightly” release of the current state of the main branch. Either way, I would use the ubuntu action for that, since that is the fastest one. Let me know if either of those options are of interest, and I can do a PR for that.


Let me know if either of those options are of interest, and I can do a PR for that.

Please, this is outside my area of expertise, and I’d love to get it professionalized a bit.

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I remember that I wanted to do an automatic release with GitHub actions, but never got to do it. From my understanding it is much more complicated to create such setup, and I don’t have experience with it yet.
@pfeerick do you have any experience with automatic release using Actions?

I think that for now it is better to stay with Ian’s automatic build in this forum.

There are a couple of contributions on my backlog, after that, I sure would work on automatic release on GitHub actions

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@Ian I am ready for merge!

please review my additions, and please squash commit before merge.

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Yes, use that in my currently daily project, so will start working on that this week.


@lersi & @pfeerick thank you both so much!

Hello, I created a new pull request that added the ability to change the label of the bus pirate storage and changed the serial name to something more recognizable.

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Also, just created another pull request that fixes a bug with the detection of delete key press, and change the behavior of key 0x7f to the behavior of backspace

Thank you! I merged these last week but forgot to reply here.

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