I am trying to read an oncurcit chip using buspirate 5 i can probe the chip and manually read the chip but if i use flash read command it just print start of the progress and exit.
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November 7, 2024, 12:51pm
Thank you for the bug report.
What is the command you use to dump the chip? I will try to replicate.
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okay i found the problem, by adding debug print, it seem the file is failed to write on the disk. may i know how to solve it.
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solve it by formatting the storage flash
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now i am getting no storaged mounted
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There is an ongoing discussion on this topic:
I have an issue with my BP 5 REV10, as described in this thread Storage Not Detected on BP5
Because I’m new here, I reached my reply limit of 3. Yes, I know that’s there for a reason, but I wanted to share the further troubleshooting and what I’ve been seeing in the kernel log.
It looks like the BP is resetting itself while connected to the serial console (for reference, I’m using minicom on Ubuntu 22.04). After it resets, the serial console reconnects, but it looks like the BP doesn’t alwa…
Continuing discussion from related thread
Questions, corrections, clarifications, and discussion are welcome.
This first post will contain background information on the technology in use. The second will describe the current design. The third post will explain some problems with the current design.
Summary of NAND stack The BP5 Rev10 (and BP5XL, BP6) have a NAND chip soldered onto the board.
This NAND chip does not have any wear-leveling algorithms, nor any remapping of pages that have err…
I would suggest to try to read the chip using binmode added by @Dreg and flashrom program on your Kali:
← therealdreg:legacy2third
opened 01:13AM - 27 Aug 24 UTC
Bus Pirate v5* & v6-> (flashrom, avrdude & asprogrammer dreg mod, from #81 )
… The idea here is to create something small and simple that works with third parties, not to implement everything. So the code I've written is a bit tricky (for example, I’m telling flashrom that I’m a Bus Pirate v2.5 (HW) so that it keeps the UART baud rate at 115200 by default...)


uf2 files:
## Example flashrom
flashrom.exe --progress -V -c "W25Q64JV-.Q" -p buspirate_spi:dev=COM5,spispeed=8M -r flash_content.img
## Example avrdude
avrdude.exe -V -c buspirate -p m328p -P COM5 -b 115200 -U flash:r:"C:\Users\regue\Desktop\readed.bin":r
Read here. Its already merged in main
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I am also trying to read it via flashrom as well, i have read it before but right now, i am getting only 0xff read via flash rom but if i read it from SPI i am getting data.
Make sure to enter binmode before running flashrom command. Binmode is separate from being in SPI to note
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yeah the first picture is binmode with debugging enabled, second is in spi mode, i am just showing the spi mode can detect the chip, but flashrom is not detecting the chip and getting only 0xff data.
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Try with this version of firmware:
Here’s a fresh compile from ‘main’: “Add legacy mode for third parties flashrom avrdude”
Build time: 101.83 seconds
Git pull log @5bbaed7:
Updating 2c25f65…5bbaed7
CMakeLists.txt | 1 +
binmode/binmodes.c | 8 +
binmode/binmodes.h | 1 +
binmode/legacy4third.c | 849 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
binmode/legacy4third.h | 3 +
5 files changed, 862 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 binmode/legacy4third.c
When it was introduced. If it works then there is some regression. I tested it just after adding but lots of stuff changed since then
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November 13, 2024, 10:24am
I’m looking into this now, thank you @AreYouLoco for making the connection with the disk IO errors. Sorry for the delay, I’d like to get this fully sorted this week.
November 13, 2024, 10:30am
flash read -f test.bin
I was able to run a chip dump to file and chip verify without issues. Latest firmware, windows, Teraterm.
Will start a new post to gather all the treads on this.
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November 13, 2024, 10:40am
May I ask how you formatted the flash storage? Using your OS or using the format command in the terminal?
i used OS, that was my bad i didn’t notice the format command in the buspirate until it become corrupted.
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December 3, 2024, 3:44pm
Does using the format
command in the Bus Pirate fix the storage issue?
i did try it after i see the command as well but same result as now, i think the file system is corrupted.
December 6, 2024, 3:11pm
Thanks for the follow up. I will send you a personal message to get your order number and we’ll send you a replacement.
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